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Peruse at your leisure. 

Kyle Landry

8 Kathy Drive, Trashua, Idaho

Cell phone: 830-5809 Email:

Objective: Gain a job in Editing or Copy Editing.


I am fluent in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint, as well as Google Docs and Drive. I also can write in AP style, MLA format, and have used the inverse pyramid style of journalistic writing. I have produced two podcasts and can use Audacity. I have also taken a class on Adobe InDesign and Photoshop.

I’ve formatted a book for my creative writing class and edited it. It is called “Final Recess.” I am currently editing a second book that consists of new journalism stories. I really like editing and find it to be enjoyable at some points. I have been published in the Nashua Telegraph and have been working on finishing my first book. I am also currently enrolled in an AP Language and Composition course, and am taking an AP Literature and Composition and AP Psychology course next year.


I tied for first place in a backward jump rope contest in second grade at 10 jumps.

I placed second in my fifth grade Geography Bee.

I earned a President’s pin for honor roll throughout middle school.


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